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Next Clinical Metabolomics Cohort Begins on the week of February 24th!

Audit: Evolutionary Medicine


45 AMA PR Category 1 CME credits are available for the Clinical Metabolomics Module. This CME credit is available at no extra cost. In most states, the amount of CME provided in this module alone is 90% of what is required to re-certify as a medical provider in a 2-year cycle

Upon completing this module you receive a "Certificate of Attendance in Evolutionary Medicine" You may request to sit for the full final exam (offered in the Certification pathway) at You must make this request within 1 week of receiving your Certificate of Attendance in this module. The requirements to sit for this final exam are the "Certificate of Attendance" and the "Certificate of Completion of the Clinical Metabolomics Module" plus a $200 fee. The regular cost of this module bundled with the examination in the Essential HOMe/HOPe course is $1800, so please consider whether the regular module or audit module best suits your goals.


Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Evolutionary Medicine Within the Context of Health Optimization

A quick look at the history of Evolutionary Medicine and significant contributions and looking at it within the context of Health Optimization Medicine and Practice.

Lesson 2: Evolutionary Clinical Metabolomics

This lesson discusses what has evolved to make clinical metabolomics what it is today and what the future of testing will look like.

Lesson 3: Evolutionary Bioenergetics

An appreciation of the evolutionary heritage of our cells and mitochondria can help practitioners develop more comprehensive philosophies and strategies to help support their patients

Lesson 4: Evolutionary Gut Immune System (Microbiota)

This lesson focuses on the Evolution-Adaptation Scale and how an evolutionary perspective can give us more insight to detect and correct imbalances found in a HOMe/HOPe client.

Lesson 5: Evolutionary Exposomics

This lesson discusses what evolves in Exposomics and how this can be applied in detection and correction for a HOMe/HOPe client.

Lesson 6: Evolutionary Epigenetics

Is DNA the final story? How does epigenetics play a role in health? This lesson discusses the Summer-Winter balance and how understanding balancing mechanisms can be used to promote health.

Lesson 7: Evolutionary Chronobiology

What do Circadian Rhythms, the Nervous System and Emotions have to do with health? This lesson looks at these from an evolutionary perspective and how you can use this knowledge to promote health.

Lesson 8: Using the Evolutionary Perspective and Principles in Clinical Health Optimization

This lesson wraps up this module with very central key concepts in Health Optimization Medicine.

Lesson 9: Evolutionary Medicine Final Assessment

Has your understanding evolved to help you pass this exam? Good luck!