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Next Clinical Metabolomics Cohort Begins on the week of February 24th!

Audit: Epigenetics



This module was created by renown researcher and Stanford teacher, Lucia Aronica, PhD. It dives deep into the clinical applications of these epigenetic modifications, discusses the potential and pitfalls of epigenetic aging clocks, discusses the profound effect exercise and diet have on epigenetics,and much more.

45 AMA PR Category 1 CME credits are available for the Epigenetics Module. This CME credit is available at no extra cost. In most states, the amount of CME provided in this module alone is 90% of what is required to re-certify as a medical provider in a 2-year cycle.

Upon completing this module you receive a "Certificate of Attendance in Epigenetics." You may request to sit for the full final exam (offered in the Certification pathway) at You must make this request within 1 week of receiving your Certificate of Attendance in Epigenetics. The requirements to sit for this final exam are the "Certificate of Attendance" and the "Certificate of Completion of the Clinical Metabolomics Module" plus a $200 fee. The regular cost of this module bundled with the examination in the Essential HOMe/HOPe course is $1200, so please consider whether the regular module or audit module best suits your goals.


Week 1 - Introduction to the Epigenetics Module

This lesson provides the outline for studying the Epigenetics Module.

Week 2- Epigenetics: A Molecular Framework for HOMe/HOPe

This lesson provides: The HOMe/HOPe perspective, Definitions. Basic Mechanisms, and Implications in Human Health.

Week 3 -  DNA Methylation

This lesson focuses on DNA Methylation as one of the 3 main types of epigenetic modification.

Week 4 - Correction of Methylation Imbalances

This lesson lists strategies for correcting methylation imbalances.

Week 5 - Epigenetic Modifications: Histones and Non-Coding RNA

This lesson elucidates the two other main mechanisms for epigenetic modification, aside from DNA methylation which has been discussed in an earlier lesson.

Week 6 - Epigenomic Effects of Diet, Aging, and Lifestyle

This lesson demonstrates the effects of diet, aging, and lifestyle on the epigenome. It includes a discussion of epigenetic clocks and aging.

Week 7 -  Epigenetics Module Final Assessment

This is the final examination of the Epigenetics Module. You have 1 week with 2 chances to pass it. If you pass it, you will be awarded your "Certificate of Completion of the Epigenetics Module of the Basic HOMe/HOPe Course." If you don't you will have to re-enroll in the module.