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Why Metabolomics?

Clinical Metabolomics has been called the “Stethoscope” of the 21st Century. Develop an understanding of Metabolomics as a method for detecting and correcting borderline deficiencies and subtle toxicities, starting with the major nutrient networks.

The Benefits of Metabolomics in Clinical Practice

Why Choose the HOMeHOPe Clinical Metabolomics Course?

10-Week Clinical Metabolomics Course Overview

In less than 90 days, become a leader in the field of Health Optimization

Why Choose the HOMeHOPe Cohort Classes?

  • A course designed from a clinician's perspective "what do you do with the client in front of you?"
  • Weekly meetings with HOMeHOPe faculty to discuss the material of each lesson.
  • Additional resources provided for diving further into the material
  • Monthly clinical case reviews with all of the HOMeHOPe faculty
  • Low Student to Faculty Ratio - Learn in small groups (20 or less)
  • Limited to 3 Cohorts per Annum

Your HOMeHOPe Faculty

Meet your guides through this 10-week Clinical Metabolomics specialization

Dr. Theodore Achacoso

The founding pioneer of the clinical practice of Health Optimization Medicine (HOMe/ HOPe).

He entered college at the age of 15 and has trained, researched, taught, worked, or founded companies in biology (BS), medicine (MD), pharmacology/toxicology, interventional neuroradiology, neurology, medical informatics, sci-tech investing, groupware, AI-based FX quant trading, interventional endocrinology (anti-aging medicine) and nutritional medicine (board certified in both, Paris), psychedelic plants, consciousness, and pharma-grade supplements, including the Troscriptions brand.

He currently maintains a tricontinental HOMe practice (NA, EU, AS) and is chronologically 60, telomerically 32, and epigenetically 22.5.

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Dr. Scott Sherr

An internal medicine physician specializing in Health Optimization Medicine (HOMe/HOPe) and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT).

His clinical telepractice includes HOMe as its foundation alongside an integrative approach to HBOT that includes cutting edge and dynamic HBOT protocols, comprehensive testing (using the HOMe framework), targeted supplementation, personal practices, synergistic technologies (new, ancient, psychedelic), and more.

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Jodi Duval

The principal Naturopath at Revital Health with over a decade of clinical experience, she is the CEO of HOMe/HOPe Australia, lecturer at Endeavour College of Natural Health, podcast host, and is completing her Masters in Human Nutrition.⁣⁠⁣

Jodi specialises in Health Optimization and Practice (HOMe/HOPe), she combines traditional forms of medicine with cutting edge scientific research to detect and correct subtle deficiencies and toxicities to treat the underlying causes of disease. She loves digging deep into peoples’ health, and uses a large range of functional and in-clinic testing to learn about her patients’ histories and genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors.

She creates uniquely personalized compounded medicines for each of her clients. She believes in offering personalized treatments to inform, educate, and empower clients in health and life. Everybody deserves to know how it feels to live with the best possible health, and that’s why Jodi is passionate and dedicated to the practice of HOMe/HOPe.

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What are Past Students Saying about the Course?

I certainly enjoyed my experience in the Metabolomics course and have gained many insights into how to optimize overall health. Most significantly, participating in this course has produced a real shift in how I look at health care and health optimization. 

For the sake of my family, over the past many years I’ve researched and experimented with many supplements, bio hacks, and lifestyle interventions and spent ungodly amounts of money and energy during this journey.  While there have been positive results with some of these interventions, the needle really hasn’t moved significantly enough. With HOMe/HOPe I’m seeing that the balancing and optimization of biochemical pathways at the cellular level and the balancing of networks could provide the baseline fundamental health optimization that would allow greater effect size from these other biohacks and esoteric interventions.

David Kim MD

It was such an incredible experience to do it as a cohort. The group of people are so high caliber and so helpful and kind. You get a whole different way in learning when you do it as a group with so many people who deeply care about helping others.

The course taught me a way to analyze bloodwork that isn't the same as the lab company standards. Reading it on the slide is one thing, but having the ability to interact with Doctors. The people you meet provides such a fun experience and a fun way of learning. It really does give you a whole different way of being able to interact with people in your community.

I highly, highly recommend it.

Yuliya Semenovych

Commonly Asked Questions

Who is this course for?

The ideal student is a clinician (Medical Doctor or Practitioner) with at least 3-years of experience and a strong desire to be on the cutting edge of health optimization.

This course is not easy. You will be required to study, learn and participate.

Do you offer scholarships?

We offer a limited number of scholarships each year to students who demonstrate an exceptional desire to learn but may not have the funds at the moment.

If this speaks to you, you can apply for a HOMeHOPe scholarship here.

What is required for the Certificate to Practice?

To obtain the Certificate to Practice Clinical Metabolomics, you will need to present 3 clinical cases and your interpretations to the faculty.

Don't worry, just by taking this route, you'll be paired with a faculty member to help you learn the ropes of using this cutting-edge science in practice.

I have more questions about the course. How do I speak to someone?

Of course! You can book a time with one of our faculty to run through your questions here.

Does finishing the Clinical Metabolomics course automatically qualify me as a Health Optimization Practitioner?

Clinical metabolomics is one of the 7 essential pillars required to become a Health Optimization Practitioner. You will also be required to complete the modules on Epigenetics, Bioenergetics, Exposomics, Evolutionary Medicine, Chronobiology, and the Gut-Immune System.

How often do the cohorts meet?

The cohorts meet weekly at a pre-determined schedule based on the availability of the students and faculty.

What is Health Optimization Medicine and Practice?

HOMeHOPe is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and the first multi-omics specialty to deliver a standard of care for health, not disease. Disease is managed. Health is optimized using an entirely different approach from illness medicine.

Health Optimization Requires a Shift in Perspective

HOMe Creates a Health Foundation

Listen to Founding Pioneer, Dr. Theodore Achacoso explain Health Optimization Medicine and Practice at Stanford University

Watch Video

Have More Questions Before Committing?

Schedule a call with a member of the HOMeHOPe faculty today